Assassins - Ultimate CD Games Collection 2
Assassins 2 - Ultimate Games No. 2 (1995)(Weird Science)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso
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Text File
335 lines
; 'SAND' , # of Sample.w, # Size of header.w,
; [ HEADER.l ] * # Size of header
; [ SAMPLES ] (whatever memory they take)
MAXALL equ 64 ; allow 64 samples
; load a directory full of objects into a merged filehunk
; record size information and stuff like that.
; list of files to load is specified in musiclist.txt
; by Andy Hook
move.l #$40000,d0
lea memsiz(pc),a0
move.l d0,(a0)
bsr allocatememory
beq failure0
lea memory(pc),a0
move.l d0,(a0)
lea posinfo(pc),a0
move.l d0,(a0)
add.l #8,(a0) ; (leave room for ID stuff)
lea memptr(pc),a0
add.l #MAXALL*4,d0 ; room for x sound offset ptrs
move.l d0,(a0)
lea parsestart(pc),a0
move.l d0,(a0)
move.l memsiz(pc),d1 ; d1 = max size to load
; d0 = load-at address
lea listname(pc),a0 ; a0 = name to load
bsr loadthis
beq failure
lea memsiz(pc),a0
sub.l d0,(a0) ; loaded to much?
beq failure
bmi failure
lea memptr(pc),a0
add.l d0,(a0)
lea audiostart(pc),a0
move.l memptr(pc),(a0)
lea parseend(pc),a0 ; store stuff after the musiclist.txt
move.l memptr(pc),(a0)
1$ btst #6,$bfe001
beq failure
bsr parsenext ; a0 = name to load next
bmi failure
beq donethat
move.l a0,-(a7)
bsr printname
move.l (a7)+,a0
btst #6,$bfe001
beq failure
move.l memsiz,d1 ; d1 = max size to load
move.l memptr,d0 ; d0 = load-at address
bsr loadthis
beq failure
btst #0,d0 ; this shouldn't happen but...
beq.s 3$
addq.l #1,d0
lea memsiz(pc),a0
sub.l d0,(a0)
beq failure
bmi failure
lea memptr(pc),a0
lea posinfo(pc),a2
move.l (a2),a1
move.l (a0),d1
sub.l audiostart(pc),d1 ; (remember start)
move.l d1,(a1)+
move.l (a0),d1
add.l d0,d1
sub.l audiostart(pc),d1 ; (and end too...for the last one)
move.l d1,(a1)
move.l a1,(a2)
lea poscount(pc),a2
add.w #1,(a2)
cmp.w #MAXALL-4,(a2) ; (room for header)
bcc failure
add.l d0,(a0)
bra.s 1$
move.l #MAXALL*4,d1 ; D1 = size to save
move.l memory(pc),a0 ; D0 = save start
move.l a0,d0
move.l #'SAND',(a0)+ ; ID HEADER
move.w poscount(pc),(a0)+ ; x = # of samples
move.w #$0040,(a0)+ ; x = Header Size (1/4th)
lea savename(pc),a0 ; A0 = name to save under
bsr saveopen ; + Write HEADER INFO
beq failure
move.l parseend(pc),d2 ; d2 = start, WRITE BODY INFO
move.l memptr(pc),d3 ; d3 = size
sub.l d2,d3
bsr savewrite
bsr saveclose
bsr freememory
lea error2(pc),a0
bra dumpmess
lea error0(pc),a0
bra dumpmess
failure bsr freememory
lea error1(pc),a0
bra dumpmess
clr.w d0
move.l parsestart(pc),a1
move.l parseend(pc),a2
lea fastparse(pc),a3
; skip white space
parse10 cmp.l a1,a2 ; done?
beq.s parse90
move.b (a1)+,d0
tst.b (a3,d0.w)
beq.s parse10
lea -1(a1),a0 ; A0 = start of valid
; skip to white space
parse20 cmp.l a1,a2
beq.s parse90
move.b (a1)+,d0
tst.b (a3,d0.w)
bne.s parse20
clr.b -1(a1) ; tack on terminator
lea parsestart(pc),a2 ; remember where I am
move.l a1,(a2)
move.b #1,d0
rts ; A0 = ptr to next name
parse90 clr.b d0
; this fast parse table is mostly in retaliation for a beserk discussion
; in the end of BYTE magazine about revamping ASCII "because its too hard
; to deal with adequately"....perhaps for Intel loser users who can't
; think in CISC type operations, like their excuses for a computer.
; The discussion pointed out aspects of ASCII, but didn't define them in
; terms or good or bad.
; 3 conditions can be quickly tested this way, -1, 0 or 1... EOF/JUNK/VALID...
fastparse dc.b 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
dc.b 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
dc.b 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
dc.b 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
dc.b 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
dc.b 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
dc.b 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
dc.b 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0
AllocMem equ -30-168
FreeMem equ -30-180
; D0 = memory size
clr.l d1 ; D1 = Memory Type, ie 2=Chip
move.l 4,a6
jsr AllocMem(a6)
tst.l d0 ; D0 = 0 = Failed
move.l #$40000,d0
move.l memory(pc),a1
move.l 4,a6
jmp FreeMem(a6)
movem.l a0/a1,-(a7)
lea loading(pc),a0
bsr dumpmess
movem.l (a7)+,a0/a1
move.l a1,d3
move.l a0,d1
sub.l d1,d3
move.l a0,d2
bsr.s dumpmess2
lea carriage(pc),a0
moveq #0,d3
move.b (a0)+,d3 ; D3 = Length
move.l a0,d2 ; D2 = What
move.l 4,a6 ; Get EXEC
lea DosLibrary(pc),a1 ; Open 'DOS.LIBRARY'
moveq #0,d0 ;
jsr LVOOpenLibrary(a6) ;
move.l d0,a6 ; A6 = DosBase
jsr LVOOutput(a6) ; Get LVOOutput Handle
move.l d0,d1 ; D1 = Output Handle
jmp LVOWrite(a6) ; LVOWrite
LVODelay equ -30-168
LVODeviceProc equ -30-144
LVOSeek equ -30-36
LVOOutput equ -30-30
LVOInput equ -30-24
LVOWrite equ -30-18
LVORead equ -30-12
LVOClose equ -30-6
LVOOpen equ -30
LVOOpenLibrary equ -30-522
Disable equ -120 ; (some other fun stuff)
Enable equ -126
;AllocMem equ -198
;FreeMem equ -210
FindTask equ -294 ; name,a1
SetSignal equ -306 ; newSignal,signalSet,d0,d1
Wait equ -318 ; signalSet,d0
AllocSignal equ -330 ; Signalnum,d0
FreeSignal equ -336 ; signalNum,d0
PutMsg equ -366 ; PutMsg(port=a0,mess=a1);
WaitPort equ -384 ; WaitPort(port=a0);
GetMsg equ -372 ; GetMsg(port=a0);
OpenDevice equ -444 ; devName,unit,ioReq,flags(a0,d0/a1,d1
CloseDevice equ -450 ; ioRequest,a1
RawDoFmt equ -522
loadthis ; D1 = Size, D0 = Start, A0 = Name
lea lsiz(pc),a1
move.l d1,(a1)+
move.l d0,(a1)+
move.l a0,(a1)
move.l 4,a6 ; Open DOS.LIBRARY
lea DosLibrary(pc),a1
moveq #0,d0
jsr LVOOpenLibrary(a6)
move.l d0,a6 ; A6 = DOS.LIBRARY
move.l lnam(pc),d1 ; D1 = Get FileName
move.l #1005,d2 ; D2 = MODE_OLDFILE LOAD
jsr LVOOpen(a6) ; Open the file
move.l d0,d4 ; d4 is reserved as file ptr
beq.s saveerror ; (can use load error routine)
move.l lstart(pc),d2 ; D2 = Start
move.l lsiz(pc),d3 ; D3 = Size
move.l d4,d1 ; D1 = File Pointer
jsr LVORead(a6)
move.l d0,-(a7)
move.l d4,d1 ; FP
jsr LVOClose(a6) ; Close File
move.l (a7)+,d0 ; D0 = Amount Loaded
move.b #1,d1 ; (flag success)
moveq #0,d0
saveopen ; D1 = Size, D0 = Start, A0 = Name
lea lsiz(pc),a1
move.l d1,(a1)+
move.l d0,(a1)+
move.l a0,(a1)
move.l 4,a6 ; Open DOS.LIBRARY
lea DosLibrary(pc),a1
moveq #0,d0
jsr LVOOpenLibrary(a6)
move.l d0,a6 ; A6 = DOS.LIBRARY
move.l lnam(pc),d1
move.l #1006,d2
jsr LVOOpen(a6)
move.l d0,d4 ; d4 is reserved as file ptr
beq.s saveerror ; (can use load error routine)
move.l lstart(pc),d2 ; D2 = Start
move.l lsiz(pc),d3 ; D3 = Size
move.l d4,d1 ; D1 = File Pointer
jmp LVOWrite(a6)
move.l d4,d1 ; FP
jmp LVOClose(a6) ; Close File
lsiz dc.l 0
lstart dc.l 0
lnam dc.l 0
DosLibrary dc.b 'dos.library',0
poscount dc.l 0
posinfo dc.l 0
audiostart dc.l 0
parsestart dc.l 0
parseend dc.l 0
memory dc.l 0
memsiz dc.l 0
memptr dc.l 0
listname dc.b 'musiclist.txt',0
savename dc.b 'music.hunk',0,0
error2 dc.b 73-29+1,'Successfully loaded all musiclist.txt files!',10,0
error1 dc.b 66-29+1,'File is missing, corrupt or too large',10,0
error0 dc.b 73-29+1,'Could not allocate the $40000 Bytes I wanted',10,0
loading dc.b 10,'loading...',0,0
carriage dc.b 1,10,0
; end of soundloader.s